Thursday, January 23, 2014

"One little, Two little, Three little Indians"

One of my favorite things about being a Mom, is playing with your child. I definitely believe in teaching your children discipline, manners, and how to be a productive member of society, but I try not to take myself too seriously. I think playing with your child, and teaching them love, laughter, and imagination is MORE important than anything.

When on Pinterest I see a lot of images of kids looking like little mini adults, which I have to admit is pretty adorable. One thing I try to remember when I am dressing Stella, however, is that she is a child, and she only gets to be a child once, so her style should reflect a childhood state of mind.  We have our whole lives to dress like adults, so why not let your littles play a little dress up in their "every day attire".

One of the most adored child "dress up games" is Cowboys and Indians. In today's post I found some adorable pieces that your littles can wear and use in their every day lives, and feel like a little Indian when they hit the playground, the grocery store, or your local library.

1. Land of Nod Teepee ( 
2. Leilalou "Tallulah" Doll (
3. Gingham by Sovereign Code Chambray Shirt ( 
 4. Mason and the Tambourine TeePee No. 1 Leggings 
5. Zen Threads"Headdress" tee ( 
6. Freshly Picked Red Rock Suede Moccs ( 
 7. Potluck Store "Woodland a hair Clip" (
8. Joey Jellybean Tee Pee Bandana Bib ( 

So grab your feather headpieces, put up a teepee, and pull out your play tomahawk for a day of fun. For mom "brownie points", teach your littles about our Native Americans during your play sesh. If they aren't quite old enough to comprehend a history lesson, sing the classic song, "One little, two little, three little Indian, four little, five little six little Indian." It's sure to be a day full of fun, play, and great playful style.

Stay tuned for a playmate style board, where I round up some great "cowboy/cowgirl" finds!

Big chief says HOW!

Yours truly,

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